About Us

468723f3118bb487e26a318a7b59e77e.pngTrace Johnson is the owner of Little Acre Garden Design. 

Having previously worked in environmental management, ecology and landscape management for the commercial sector it was time to take a step back from the big business side of life and turn focus to a more personal setting, where changing an outdoor space can make all the difference.

Trace has been working within the world of Garden Design and Horticulture for a number of years, not only producing her own residential designs but supporting other designers and landscapers, helping to transform their designs into a reality through design assistance and CAD work. In particular Trace has taken great pleasure in working with other designers to offer planting services on a number of RHS Show Gardens such as at the Chelsea and Hampton Court Palace Flower Shows.

Working in Garden Design, Trace blends all her passions, encouraging nature back into urban environments, providing a connection for people to their outdoor spaces, whilst making it ‘look stylish’ in the process.